Ok, so its been a long while since I've posted to this blog but this does not mean I haven't been reading. I keep better track of my books on goodreads.com.
I went on a cruise in May and brought this book with me - The Help. I saw the movie trailer in the theater and thought it looked really cute and wanted to check out the book before the release. I read almost the entire book in the week I was gone and would of finished it except I was in the Caribbean and well, who wants to read nonstop in the Caribbean? This was probably one of the best books I have read in a long time, maybe even since Twilight!!!
The book is about a black maid in the 1960's in Mississippi and a white girl who together write a book with all black maids stories about working for white families. They describe the good, bad, and the ugly in great detail but change all names to protect identities. It was just so interesting to read about the Civil Rights movement and how horrible blacks were treated back then (which wasn't even that long ago!). The only thing I didn't like about this book was how it ended. I won't give anything away but I felt the author could of gone into greater detail about the characters after the book was released. I almost felt like she was tired of writing so just jotted down a few details and then called it quits. Although, maybe I just felt this way because I enjoyed the book so much and just didn't want it to end. Either way it is a must read!